
Thursday, July 29, 2021

My Top 5 Most Important Articles

 5 Articles that are most important 

Article 1 

Everyone is born free and equal in dignity and with rights.  

Why? - Because i think it is important that everyone is sort of free and has the right to some or most things in life

Article 26 

You have the right to an education.  

Why? - Because everyone should have a good education and being able to learn, and have a knowledge of things

Article 4   

No‐one shall be held in slavery or servitude.  

Why? - Everyone should be treated the same and free not be in slavery as they wont have their own time to do their own thing and forced into slavery to things for everyone and have no choice to say if they dont want to do it or not

Article 2 

You should never be discriminated against for any reason. Rights belong to all people, whatever our differences.

Why? - No one should be treated any different for what religion or race they are.

Article 7 

You have the right to be treated by the law in the same way as everyone else. Everyone has a right to protection  

Why? - Everyone should be treated the same as everyone is different and no one is the same as everyone else

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Great Depression

 Great Depression of 1929 - 30

Germany was forced to agree to many terms laid out to them by signing the treaty of versailles. Germany was told to pay billions of dollars in reparations to the Allies when this happened millions of people lost  their jobs, factories closed down and the economy fell. This caused hyperinflation resulting in their german mark being labelled as worthless. This therefore supports the statement that Germany was hit the hardest by the great depression. 

1929 symbolised the start of a destructive era as a harsh treaty was forced upon Germany to take ownership of the detrimental war. .There were many terms however the most significant ones were the reparations, reduction in Germany's military and ownership of starting WW1. This therefore shows us the main terms Germany was forced to sign in the treaty of Versailles 1919.

Language of Film Dictionary

Body Language: Is Used to Identify feelings of a played Character

Costumes: Used to describe Personalities of characters

Hairstyles: Can be like costumes as can describe them in a stylish way with hairstyles

Make-up: To Transform an actor to match a player character and to describe

Colour: To Set a Mood of a scene, and Blue is used for sad and angry can be used as or for angry

Lighting: Make something important stand out and also used for mood 

Props: Making scenes more realistic and interactive

Setting: to progress stories and describe the surroundings 

Dialogue: a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or film.

Sound Effects: Used to create a mood for the audience or emphasize a scene

Music: Set a mood or describe an ongoing scene

Silence: to create a serious atmosphere or sincerity in acting

Symbols: often an object, used to suggest new ideas

Special FX: Used to create a more realistic look for a film


  • What am I Learning? I am learning about film languages and film study.

  • -How does this work show my learning? This shows my learning because I’ve written down the definitions for each one for their meanings

  • -What am I wondering as a result of this learning? I'm wondering if there are any other languages used.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Street Art

I have chosen this photo because I like the colours that have been used, and I like how there are water drops on the lily pads. They also stand out and the bright edged colour around the outside of the lily pads.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Land Yachts

In Science this week, we created land yachts then we finally raced them. Our goal was to make our Land Yacht as fast as possible. we created them with: Plastic bag plastic mini wheels bamboo sticks, We were in groups of 3-4-5, but I wasn't here for that at the time. The speed of one other group is... They went 4.5m in 7.3 seconds.

4.5m divided by 7.3s = 0.616m/s

Conclusion: In the end the force of the leaf blower made this group go far and it went well only because of the wind from the leaf blower.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Creative Writing - Inside A Bag


To start my day off by waking up, I opened my eyes wide and all I saw was completely

nothing because it was pitch black of darkness. I also started hearing these noises around

the city and had random thoughts in my mind. When I was breathing all I could breathe

in was hot stuffy air as if I was trapped in a small space, But I found out I was in this bag

the size of me moving across this bag transferrer. I began to worry as I had never woken

up like this before, I began to think of how to get out as the zipper was on the outside of

the bag, I couldn't do anything about it. After I felt as if I was struggling to breathe I yelled

and screeched for help but nobody heard me. Then I feel something is scanning me and I

then realized I was going to go on a trip somewhere but had no clue where I was going,

I thought of ideas for how to escape the bag I was in, I tried ripping mini holes the size of

my finger but it was the hardest to do, Yet I still tried to do it. I then after figuring out that

wasn’t working I tried to push the zip from the inside of the bag to the other end but it

wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I was breathing deeply as the thought of worry

that I couldn’t get out, I also never knew what could have happened to me if I never knew

how to get out. I tried yelping like a dog, not 1 person heard me whatsoever. I just to try

to make my mind not blank as the morning I woke up I couldn’t remember anything at all

as like I was knocked out cold,  I rubbed my head and twinkled my toes, as a spark thought

came to mind, but sadly wasn’t a memory of what happened to me this morning. I sighed to

myself and finally, someone randomly heard my sighing and I got happy and was like could

I please have some help and they said sorry sir I cannot help you and you are part of this bag

and are being traveled around the world. I got told to slow down with my speeds because I

spoke fast with horrible thoughts for where I'm going. I begged and begged them but they

still wouldn’t give me help to get out. I counted down - 3.2.1 and tried bursting my way out

of the bag from lying down, it almost worked but I got a really bad pain in my body. Then

wondered what I can do…    In the time of 1 hr, I felt spooked out because I felt feelings of

wind passing through me as if it was a ghost. I was just hearing noises of ghosts, but I thought

my mind was playing with me as if I was in dreamy land.