
Friday, July 31, 2020

food Tests

Here is some photos of what we have done in class recently, and today we had to find out what is protein and also what is not protein. 

Bread - protein
egg - protein
milk - protein
Apple - Negative
Sugar -  negative
Potato - negative

Bread - complex sugar, some protein
egg - protein
milk - some simple sugar, protein
pple - simple sugar

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Essay - Endangered Species/Amur Leopard

Amur Leopards are endangered because they are the top predator in its own ecosystem, also hunting sika and roe deer. There’s no other animals that hunt for Amur Leopards, Even though it does compete for space and also prey with the Amur Tiger. Regions with Amur tiger populations might have less Amur Leopards. It’s not the tigers prey on leopards, but it would rather compete with them for its resources.

Here is what a Amur Leopard is or either some information about them!  Stalking through the cold forests of eastern russia and northern china there lives some supreme predators. Even though it spans 7 feet from its head to the tail, this large cat easily can climb tall trees, for where it’s on the lookout for prey. A thick coat of orange, yellow and also black spots keep the Amur Leopard warm, and its long legs allow it to easily stride through the deep snow in the siberian forest. A few animals can survive the harsh winters in Russia, but the Amur Leopards, thick fur, large paws, and also long legs allow them to carve out a home, even in the thickest of snow falls.

Workshop 1: Unpacking themes and ideas

  • Something that links throughout the story.
looks can be deceiving:
- something that links throughout the story.
Example 2 other world vs real word
  • - the other world is a perfect web/trap to catch coraline, whereas the real world is boring but safe.
  • shows theme because even though the other world seems better in every way, the real world is actually better/safer because it isn't a trap. 
  • important to help audience understand why coraline goes back to the real world.
Example 1: The beldam/the other mother
  • She starts off as good/ kind but is revealed to be an evil soul devouring metal spider demon...
  • Shows theme because the other mother changes gradually over time so the that coraline and audience don't notice...
  • important to the story because helps the audience understand coraline's choice when she realises that having everything perfect 
  • Statement 
- In Coraline, theme and ideas are used ef
- For instance, the theme ' looks can be deceiving' is shown through the character of the ' other mother'. - The 'Other Mother' starts kind, but is revealed to be a soul devouring demon.
eXplanation - Audience
- This makes the audience feel that we shouldn't trust things/people that seem perfect at first glance.
eXplanation - directer
- this was done to, make the audience feel weary or develop a sense of caution towards new situations. 
- coinciding with this is the use of colour to show the 'other mother' is becoming more evil. at the start she is surrounded by warm colours that make us feel safe, but by the end it is dark with neon green which she seemed dangerous...
Your link - this theme is also known through the changes in the other world  as it is revealed to be a spider

Coraline Movie Notes

Opening scene:

  • Music - Starts quiet, intrumental, humming, repeatative lyrics (dreaming), sounds like childs music box, bit creepy.
  • Perspective - other mother, (P.O.V) - we see from her, know its her by the needle hands. 
  • Use of close up shot - makes audience focus on the doll not on creator. 
  • Lighting/Colour- Dim, dark, green, faded, - sets the mood / atmosphere. - That its old, abandoned, unappealing and rundown. 
Setting - Pink palace - Real world
  • Music - happy, Gentle, Harmony, chanting, sung by children, / lyrics in a made up language, Makes calm happy atmosphere. 
  • changes to increase tention, so the music gets faster and louder,  and more minor. 
Coraline - sassy, moody, stubbon, Bright colour - blue hair, yellow jacket + boots, - Main character - makes us , focus, shoes shes different from those in the real world. 

Colour/Lighting - dull, grey, boring, tinted, bland, dark, makes the 'real' house feel depressing, old, crusty + cold, not a place coraline wants to be.

Real Parents - dull,workaholics, dont have time for coraline, not happy, depressed, tired, exhausted, uncap-able. unhappy, 

The ¨other¨ World: 
Colour/Lighting Bright, vibrant, warm, welcoming - makes it feel inviting and safe, coraline doesn't stand up anymore

other parents - fun, active, show coraline attention, energetic, cooked her a nice meal, they look happy + healthy unlike the real parents.

Music - Spooky Music, doesn't match what we are seeing, slow to medium pace, minor, quiet

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Pita Pocket

Today in cooking we made healthy food called pita pockets they were really good, in them there were lettuce/spinach, carrots, cheese, ham, and also tomato, and another thing onion. But you didnt have to put onion in them.

Vegetables-and-Dip Pita Pocket Recipe - NYT Cooking 
here is a similar picture to what we had done in class today for cooking... they tasted real good and next time we would have to bring our phones so we could take some photos. Everyone worked in groups of 4. In my group I had Brayden and Jacob,  and next week jaz will be in my group.

Also after we had created/ put what we wanted in our pita pocket the teacher wrote down in scores from 1-3 of how good they were, the score i had got was a 3 cause it was really good the other people in my group got a 2 and a 3, She basically rates them of how we had cut them and after we had filled them up.... Mhmmmm Yummmm

Workshop 5: Creating Characters

1. Looks like normal mother with button eyes
- dresses like the real mother
- softer/rounder edges - hips, head, knees, elbows
- clothes are basic design, no patterns, covers most of her body

2. head + nose - pointier/sharp
- sleeves get shorter
- Addition of red to colour palette
- starting to get beetle shape from apron
- long baggy pants keep idea of softness

3. all the weight has moved to hips/bum 
- Accents beetle shape of dress.
- red, black, white, more pattern, better/tighter
- fit, more skin showing. 
- getting bigger, longer + pointer - stretched neck, pointed, elbows, shorter hair -
pointed head +  nose.

4. scissors/twig like - very skinny
- huge height increase - compared to oven
- pointy head/elbows
- high heels
- full black outfit - red shoes
- little/no fat left on body, lots of skin showing

5. skinless, needle like, no face, paper thin
- has grown extra legs, fractured bones
- looks alien - not human like
- clothes are more like tattered rags
- very tall
- has become hunched over

*Gradual changes over time
- takes more time to notice
- looks can be deceiving
- changes as Coraline's perception of her changes

* Start -  colour is warm, inviting by the end is green, unnatural + creepy

Art Subject/Drawings

My Favourite subject is Art,  because I get to draw things of my own choose. Also because drawing helps me focus sometimes and i like it also because i'm real good at drawing, also i'm so good at drawing that one of my bestist friends she 17 she got a tattoo of one of my drawings i completed during the lock down time at school level 3. it was of a rose and a knife. Also during art i did a couple drawings one of a little penguin and the other one was of leaves and  a couple of flowers one big ish one and then a little we flower at the top. 

A while ago i posted mostly all of my drawings when i was at school during lock down. I still need to publish my recent's that i haven't posted yet. the type of drawings i do are with pencil cause that's the only way i'm good at drawing... "see you guys when i post up next kakite"

Monday, July 27, 2020

Animal - Bar Graph

here is my bar graph i just finished about endangered animals or how many there are left in the wild or world of the ones before that i have chosen. ENJOY!!! Maybe boring

Endangered Emur Leopards

Here is a slideshow of my work i just finished about endangered Emur Leopards, I hope you like the facts ive done, so you can learn more about them. Or even find out about them if you never knew they ever existed. Thanks for looking at my work and ill post more soon!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Need A Girl - Tory Lanez

Here is a song i love to listen to when im doing my work and heaps of other songs included in my playlist...

My Add@

Add me on ps4
instagram - xDuhGirlAbbyx 
snapchat - Abbyhalliday19
friends plz only ughk

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Kia Ora Everyone

Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays, also i hope that yous enjoy coming back to school after your 2 weeks holidays. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

How does Music enhance the story

Chords - Major - written in major key, happy tone
Minor - written in minor key, sad/creepy tone

Tempo - Fast - Makes it feel energetic, gives movement
Slow - makes it feel lethargic, boring

Dynamics - Loud - (Forte) - feels intense, shocking, builds emotion
Quiet - (Piano) -  draw in viewer focus, background
changes - quiet to loud - Builds intensity
- loud to quiet - drains, intensity/energy

Diagetic Sound - sounds added to a film e.g exp

1st song: how did it make me feel: calm, chill - Uplifting, happier vibe
2nd song: bland, sad - sonba, slower, melancholy

Non Diagetic sounds - sounds that occur naturally - wind in trees, footsteps.

Opening scene - 
Minor - unsettled, creepy, insecure, 
moderate/fast - gives energy, movement, 
Changes dynamics often - focus, build intensity. 

Mouse Circus
Chords - Minor - unsettling, creepy
Tempo - fast - furious, energetic
Dynamics - loud - happy, playful, grabs attention

Ghost Children Behind The Mirror
Chords - minor - tone, creepy, low - works well with ghost howls, and scattering rat sounds
tempo - slow - moments where it picks up, lethargic, lazy,  
dynamics - swells loud, quiet - creates focus moments. 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sustainbility Samesta 2

Today in Mr Carters class for sustainability/maths, For this blog post i will be writing what was most enjoyable about the classes I've had with him and what I've done, and also what i didn't like about what I've done and things. Here's a photo of the graphs/charts for A example: 
For my first class I think it was we had to do some sort of chart like bar graph pie chart line chart and others similar to that... it was sort of fun at the time and we had to go around the class asking them out of the things we had written down which one they used the most or liked. 

Also we had to do some games with dragon cards, it was fun as well after we got the hang of how to play. We were in groups of 2-4 with class mates, or just our friends. The card game was sort of challenging but it was also a good game to play.  Here's also a pic of what the dragon cards look like: 
What i didn't like about it the first time i was playing it was, sometimes i got pissed off cause i didn't get it or either i got bored of it to. another thing i didn't like about it, was it was kinda something i didn't like to play even though it was the first time i had played dragon cards whatever its called.

The 3rd piece of work we did in class was called natural resources sustainability. 
That's a picture of 2 work things we did for natural resources, the 2nd bit was a bit hard figuring out where the words match with the sentences on the opposite side. for one point we had to ( with whole class) we all had a choose to agree or disagree for a statement that was said by Mr Carter, including money and one other thing that i cannot remember what it is. 
Part of the 4th bit we did for work was. We had watched 2 videos about sustainability issues around the world. After a we while these videos got boring for  me and also cause we had to sit down for ages I didn't like that and i needed to get up for a walk around and i felt figity like i wanted to move not stay still.
The next thing after that we did was paragraphing. We used these cards called 8 handy paragraphs/structure and another card called 12 ways to write a paragraph. It was helpful to help us write a paragraph. So after that we had to do our own paragraphs, for me it was a bit hard and i hated doing it, so i only got 2 paragraphs done and including the other one that we did with the teacher.

here is a link to my work, LINK

for the last thing we did was called area for maths, We started off on mathletics after Mr Carter was explaining some things to the class. It was quick fun doing mathletics for some reason i enjoy doing it.
So that's all I did so far (more next term)