
Friday, June 16, 2017

M&M's and Water

Welcome to my slideshow hope you enjoy my work have made from science. when we were trying to see if all of the M&M's would float some of them had sunken because Miss Lee said the ones that had nuts in them were the ones that would sink because they are too big and heavy.
#Hope you enjoy# thanx for watching, hope you liked it...

High Diving Giraffes

One day when I was walking down the spooky narrow hallway then I saw this camera, and I pulled a funny face at the camera.

Because I want to know if it was working. And then a security guard nearly came out to see what was going on, so what we started was a racket to see if we actually made the security guard angry.

But then he came out and said get out of here this not for giraffes it is for people to swim for swimming lessons. So we went to have some swimming lessons.

So we all proved what we all were having lessons of how to swim, and then the Security Guard said wow look at all of you’s having some awesome swimming lessons.

When we all did some swimming lessons we also had turns at hanging upside down from the roof because some of us had blood rush and then some of us nearly passed out because of hanging upside down for too long.

Then after our swimming lessons the security guard had kicked us out because of the spitting and the face pulling at the camera. He looked so freaky like he was thin wide and hair all over his body even hair was coming out of his clothes.

And I felt so nervous about what he was going to be doing about the noise of racket we were all doing as a team…

The end