
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Sustainable Fishing

 Is Sustainable Fishing Possible?

  • There are less damaging ways to fish and better ways, Because there is no such thing as sustainable fishing.

How is commercial fishing a threat to dolphins and bird life?

  • It’s maybe a threat to dolphins because of the nets they use to catch the kinds of fish, and  The use of long strands of rope and nets can entangle whales and dolphins at a high enough level that populations can become threatened - and can have an especially significant impact in the case of endangered species.

  • Dolphins die in foreign fisheries every year due to being hooked or entangled in nets and other fishing gear.  

What is Bycatch?

  • the unwanted fish and other marine creatures trapped by commercial fishing nets during fishing for a different species.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Shark Finning

Whats is shark finning: It is the grisly act of removing a live shark's blades and tossing the remainder of the creature back into the ocean, where it dies in some horrible, nightmarish way. The balances are utilised in China and Hong Kong, and by Chinese people group somewhere else on the planet, as the vital fixing in shark-blade soup.

Why is it a delicacy? The ligament in the blades is typically destroyed and utilised essentially to give surface and thickening to shark balance soup, a conventional Chinese soup or stock tracing all the way back to the Melody Line (960-1279). The dish is viewed as an extravagance thing encapsulating ideas of cordiality, status and favourable luck.

How is this impacting our oceans? The finned sharks are regularly tossed once again into the sea alive, where they don't pass on calmly: unfit to swim appropriately and draining bountifully, they suffocate or bite the dust of blood loss.When shark populaces decline, a gradually expanding influence can spread all through the remainder of the biological system.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

News Article

 Pacific Waste Problem Exposed

It is assessed that 1.15 to 2.41 million tons of plastic are entering the sea every year from waterways. The greater part of this plastic is less thick than the water, implying that it won't sink once it experiences the ocean… 

Where is the garbage patch located? 

  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also known as the Pacific trash vortex, spans waters from the West Coast of North America to Japan. The patch is actually composed of the Western Garbage Patch, located near Japan, and the Eastern Garbage Patch, located between the U.S. states of Hawaii and California.

What is the Garbage patch?

  • The Incomparable Pacific Trash Fix is an assortment of marine flotsam and jetsam in the North Pacific Sea. Marine garbage is litter that winds up in oceans,seas,and other huge assemblages of water.This intermingling zone is the place where warm water from the South Pacific gets together with cooler water from the Icy.

Why is the garbage Patch there?

  • The Trash Fix is made by the North Pacific Gyre. A Gyre is an arrangement of flowing flows in a sea, brought about by the Coriolis Impact. Over the long haul gyres can let out garbage that collects in them and an illustration of that can be seen on sea shores in the Hawaiian Islands that face the upper east.

Description - The cause is alot of rubbish that has either been left around and that is all or mostly collecting up in the pacific ocean and its all called the pacific ocean garbage patch. It causes a current that is all just filled with all these different types of garbage. It can cause alot of harm to the sea life animals that swim around in the ocean.

Why is it a cause? How do we know this? - Over time gyres can spit out debris that accumulates in them, and a  example that can be seen on beaches in the Hawaiian Islands that face northeast.

What is the Pacific Garbage Patch affecting? 

  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and plastic pollution generally, is killing marine life. 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals are affected every year, as well as many other species. For example, turtles often mistake plastic bags for prey such as jellyfish.

Why is the chosen cause producing this effect?

  • The Trash Fix is made by the North Pacific Gyre. A Gyre is an arrangement of flowing flows in a sea, brought about by the Coriolis Impact. Studies from Algalita Marine Exploration Foundation and Scripps Seaplex have reported pelagic fish that are devouring plastic in and around the Trash Fix.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Critical literacy

Is this text fair?
- I think its not fair if all men dont drink that are Maori and PI, because most of the time it can get out of hand
and take it out on the wrong people.

- But I also think its fair if some drink because some or most problems can get sorted out in many different ways. Also men with that ethnicity can help their mates to stop from drink driving to stop problems that could occur over the time once they get into the drivers seat.

How are children, teenagers or young adults constructed in this text?
- By Their parents not having a good influence on their children, and showing whats not good. But it also shows a point to kids and teenagers that drinking and driving is not a good combo so they decide not to drink. Also maybe cause it can teach bad situations that can occur when drinking.

How does the text present age, gender or cultural groups?
It present the ages in adult years and a couple children and also a few teenage years. 

Why is the text written this way?
its written this way as a good situation happened by this boy saying that they shouldn't drink and drive as he didn't have good thoughts in his head for if he was to drive himself. 

to sum this all up i think that the young man has chosen a good idea to stop his mate from drink driving