I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Venngage Poster - The Hunger Games

Tuesday, September 28, 2021
What I learnt - I learnt about some of the land marks and learnt new things about why hagley park is or was so import and also why the botanic gardens was so important. Hagley park was so important because it used to be used for horse racing
I found out that hagley park being important was very interesting as ive never known why it was important, and also i was wondering why the park was so big
Monday, September 27, 2021
Workshop 3 : Costumes
The Reaping Scene - district 12
- The children of the district have gathered together for the reaping to select the tributes.
- Boys - Shirts- buttoned/collars, shorts, pants, whites, colourless, faded, dull, over washed.
- Girls - Dresses, Shirt + skirt,
- Best clothes, probably only worn once a year, worn out, colourless, faded.
- colourful, vibrant
- accessories - hats, earrings, makeup, wigs, shoes, dogs, bags
- New - Like only worn once, fashionable - Access to good quality fabrics, patterns
Monday, September 20, 2021
Angles, Movements + shots
The Reaping Scene
- Katniss Volunteers as tribute when her sister is chosen
- The children/parents of the district give her the 3 fingers salute
- Peeta is chosen as the male tribute
- Extreme makeup
- Wig
- hat
- overly colourful
- flashy outfit
- proper accent
- use of blood readers/scanners
- projectors
- Children's outfits for reaping are the best clothes
- dresses - shirts - Collared
- boys - shorts or pant
- colours of clothes are very faded from washes + reusing
- the village is falling down around them
- it is a sign of respect for katniss from the people of her district
- Katniss is a symbol of hope for a district victor
- Katniss is a symbol of rebellion because she steps in for her sister ( a weaker character ) when she is reaped
- Faces - Primrose when she is reaped
- Terror - fear
- Effie - joyful, confident, excited, close up of lips when reading names
- Katniss - Panic when Prim is reaped, shock when she stands with Effie
- Peeta - Fear, Panic, shock
- The people in the background are in shallow focus when Prim + Katniss hug
- forces the viewer to watch the characters in focus
- Sorry for the tributes - Primrose - it was her first time
- Sorry for katniss - she volunteered - selfless act
- Anger towards Capitol for the reaping
- We consider Effie is annoying, happy, stuck up, clueless
- need to be invested in their journey/suffering
- need to be angry at Capitol so that we judge them + their decisions later
- Effie is depicted as a symbol of people in the district, they are clueless - dont see the suffering
- starts as we move to picking the boys
- minor key, tempo - slower, dynamic
- Starts quiet then gets louder to build tensity. Mood - Tension, morose
- grey, natural, bright, cold
- Mood - Sad, depressed,
- Dull, cold, palette - grey, white, faded, blue, washed out
- atmosphere - Despair, sorry for the people, poverty, run down
- Dull, bland, sad, matching - the lighting and colour
Friday, September 10, 2021
Themes + Ideas
Rich Vs Poor - Some people have more - Capitol ( 1, 2 )
- money
- privileges
- food - variety
- resources
- technology
- medicines
- clothing/ makeup - accessories
- transport
- childhoods
- Rebellion - to fight against something, protest, uprise, usually against government.
- Symbols of hope - katniss, melodic, motive, mocking jay, 3 finger salutte(sp).
- Katniss becomes a rival for power - people look up to her for guidance , becomes a threat because snow sees her as one.
- 'Hope, its is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a little hope is dangerous!'
- its not worth rebelling
- The Capitol is the strongest
- Things are good the way they are
Peace keeper
- People to keep peace and help you
- Violent - to him 23 others had to die
- People who die in the games
- takes away from reality of the situation
- two brave young people
- its an honour
- Soldiers
- Violent
- keep people in live
- Look like storm troopers
- glorious, someone who wins, wealthy, respected
- Teenagers who have been killed or murdered
- Punishment to districts
- People in the Capitol vs people in the districts.
- Compare opening shoot in District 12 vs peter looking out the window at the Capitol
- District 12 - Poor - houses - run down,wooden - food, very little, see old man picking at bones
- clothing - 1 pair of good clothes, Warn out, old, colours faded, grey / black - easier to not show coal dust.
- houses - large, concrete, metals, accents gold/silver
- Food - Variety of choices, dont have the same things, more then enough - excess
- Clothing - fancy, suits, extravagant,fashion, extreme, excess
Hope + Rebellion
- Conversation With President snow + Senica Craine
- A little hope quote
- Conversation between hamish + Senica
- Give them something to root for, young love!
Struggle for power
- Katniss + Peta eat the berries
- Death of Rue = riot in district 11
Power of Propaganda
- Subtle
- Hunger Games film strip
Saturday, September 4, 2021
During this lockdown we have had to do learning from home, which can be a bit complicated. We can even learn more things well we are home. Here is the work ive completed for my science work
Why wouldn't the giraffes grow longer necks just because the trees were tall?