
Monday, February 24, 2020

What Is Government

What is the Government?

A government is the term used to describe:
  • The system of rules used to run a community,
  • The people who make and administer those roles.

All around the world different countries and communities have different types of governments. In New Zealand we have a democracy for a government. This means that people vote on which rules we have and which people are responsible for making and administering these rules.
In some countries there is only one person who is charge and they make all the rules that people are responsible for following. This is a dictatorship.
Some countries even have no government which is called anarchy. This means that people live without any rules but often when there is no government someone will try to step in and take power for themselves.

Questions - either make a copy of this document and save it into your social studies folder or write the questions and answers into your book.
  • Write down any words you have never heard before and find the dictionary definition for them e.g. anarchy.
Nonplussed = so surprised and confused that one is unsure how to react.

  • Do you think that countries or communities that are bigger (more people) need a more complex government system than smaller ones need? Yes people there's heaps of people (IDK)
  • What benefit(s) do you think people gain from being in a group?
  • Fosters Creativity and Learning. Creativity thrives when people work together on a team. ...
  • Blends Complementary Strengths. ...
  • Builds Trust. ...
  • Teaches Conflict Resolution Skills. ...
  • Promotes a Wider Sense of Ownership. ...
  • Encourages Healthy Risk-Taking.
  • How can having a leader or group of leaders help people?
  • Leaders have to do different things depending on their areas of activity, roles, and responsibilities, as well as on their own desires and goals. The three tasks are common: envisioning, aligning followers to their vision, and ensuring execution. In all three roles, influencing remains the core skill.
  • Why do you think some countries have or prefer to have no government 
  • Some think they have the right to hold land without government permission. This view is called libertarianism. Others think they can do without government. This view is called anarchism.

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