I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Similes English - Work
Simile -
What are similes?
A simile is a direct comparison between two ideas using words LIKE or AS for example “She danced as delicately as a butterfly.” and “The baby was like a pig when it ate. “ are similes because when they compare ideas they use the words like and as which stops them from being a metaphor which is comparing two ideas without using like or as.
What is an example of adverts that use similes -
One company that uses similes in their advertising is “Chevrolet” which has the slogan as “Like a rock”
Describe how the simile is used in the ad?
The brand Chevrolet uses the simile “like a rock” to Promote their car as trustworthy, reliable, strong, etc using only a 3-word sentence which is short and snappy and very memorable.
Why do advertisers use similes in advertising?
Advertisers use similes in ads to promote their product as something positive without having to write out the words, instead simply referring it to another object for example chevrolet doesn’t use the words reliable and strong in their slogan but are implying that it is by using the simile “like a rock”
Lawyer Paragraph -
A simile is a direct comparison between two ideas using words Like or As for example “She danced as delicately as a butterfly.” and “The baby was like a pig when it ate“, Are similes, because when they compare ideas they use the words like, or as which stops them from being a metaphor which is also comparing two ideas without using like or as. One company that uses similes in their advertising is “Chevrolet” which has the slogan as “Like a rock” The brand Chevrolet uses the simile “like a rock” to Promote their car as trustworthy, reliable, strong, etc... Using only a 3 - Word sentence which is short and snappy and very memorable. Advertisers use similes in ads to promote their product as something positive without having to write out the words, instead simply referring it to another object for example chevrolet doesn’t use the words reliable and strong in their slogan but are implying that it is by using the simile “like a rock”
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
10 Facts for Tokelau and Niue
Here is another piece of work for Tokelau and Niue its 10 facts about the country and some of what they do and things like that.
Facts About Tokelau:
Population (295.941)
Women are more likely to speak 2 or more languages then men
Tokelauan is the 2 most common language spoken
People born in nz are less likely to be able to speak tokelauan than others from overseas
There were almost 1.383 of people living in tokelau
Facts About Niue:
Niue is one of the worlds largest coral island
Niue island is common referred to be called “The Rock”
Niueans are citizens of new zealand
It has land mass of (259km) and its point is about 60m above sea level
The capital of niue is Village Of Alofi...
Visiting My Mum
Yesterday I went to my Beautiful mums grave because it was her 6 years of her death anniversary... and i took a few photos here is a few photos of when i went to her grave and also just a single one of her i created from using a app... I love and miss her heaps yesterday was such a amazing day because i got to see her after a month or so...