
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sustainbility Samesta 2

Today in Mr Carters class for sustainability/maths, For this blog post i will be writing what was most enjoyable about the classes I've had with him and what I've done, and also what i didn't like about what I've done and things. Here's a photo of the graphs/charts for A example: 
For my first class I think it was we had to do some sort of chart like bar graph pie chart line chart and others similar to that... it was sort of fun at the time and we had to go around the class asking them out of the things we had written down which one they used the most or liked. 

Also we had to do some games with dragon cards, it was fun as well after we got the hang of how to play. We were in groups of 2-4 with class mates, or just our friends. The card game was sort of challenging but it was also a good game to play.  Here's also a pic of what the dragon cards look like: 
What i didn't like about it the first time i was playing it was, sometimes i got pissed off cause i didn't get it or either i got bored of it to. another thing i didn't like about it, was it was kinda something i didn't like to play even though it was the first time i had played dragon cards whatever its called.

The 3rd piece of work we did in class was called natural resources sustainability. 
That's a picture of 2 work things we did for natural resources, the 2nd bit was a bit hard figuring out where the words match with the sentences on the opposite side. for one point we had to ( with whole class) we all had a choose to agree or disagree for a statement that was said by Mr Carter, including money and one other thing that i cannot remember what it is. 
Part of the 4th bit we did for work was. We had watched 2 videos about sustainability issues around the world. After a we while these videos got boring for  me and also cause we had to sit down for ages I didn't like that and i needed to get up for a walk around and i felt figity like i wanted to move not stay still.
The next thing after that we did was paragraphing. We used these cards called 8 handy paragraphs/structure and another card called 12 ways to write a paragraph. It was helpful to help us write a paragraph. So after that we had to do our own paragraphs, for me it was a bit hard and i hated doing it, so i only got 2 paragraphs done and including the other one that we did with the teacher.

here is a link to my work, LINK

for the last thing we did was called area for maths, We started off on mathletics after Mr Carter was explaining some things to the class. It was quick fun doing mathletics for some reason i enjoy doing it.
So that's all I did so far (more next term)


  1. Kia ora Abbagale

    I enjoyed reading your blog. It does sound like you had a huge range of learning tasks to complete and you did some fairly honest reflecting on these.

    Can you tell me what it was you learnt about the topic? I can see great depth in explaining your process in class, which is awesome. I hope you have as much if not more, to write about next term.
    Whaea Rowena

    1. Thanks whaea yeah maybe in my next post

  2. Hey Abbagale!

    You have done an awesome job on your reflection. You are showing a real ability to recall information and honestly reflect on how you felt about it. You are also able to demonstrate such honesty in class which is really great!

    Keep up the resilience that you have been showing!


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