
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Panic Attack (health)

Here is another presentation about panic attacks. I hope you like the way I've presented it, by explaining about panic attacks, like what happens how it occurs and also how you can make yourself feel better whens its happening or how to resolve it after it has finished or done 
Talk to someone when this has happened so they can help you in a way. Never feel alone when something similar or like this has happened...


  1. Hi Abbagale, You have presented some very good advice re panic attacks. It is very scary when you have one. Another hint for managing one when it is happening is to keep your shoulders down, as we often hunch them up at the time.
    Mrs McGirr

  2. Hi Abbagale
    Yes, you've presented this subject very clearly on your slide, and I like the way you started your post with a question. You are gathering a great portfolio of Health slides.
    I've had a few panic attacks in my time. One really memorable one was when I was training to be a teacher and I was a student teacher at a posh school in Christchurch. It was my first time teaching in front of a Year 8 class, and I just froze! I wasn't sure if I could do it. I remember thinking that I had made a big mistake giving up a high paying job to become a teacher. I stopped, took a couple of deep breaths, shook my arms to release my tension, and then started again. Every time I have a tough lesson to teach now, I tell myself that at least it can't be any worse than panicking in from of my first class.
    - Mr Mitchell

    1. Aw thanks Mr Mitchell, and ohhh that's not good at all. i've never known this before.


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